Definition of Public Relation
“The deliberate planned and sustained
effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization
and its publics”
Institute of Public relations (BIPR))
“The Management function which gives the
same organized and careful attention to the asset of goodwill as is given to
any other major asset of business.”
W. Hill)
Intro to Public Relation
Public Relations is distinctive
management function which helps establish and maintain mutual lines of
communication, understanding, acceptance and cooperation between an
organization and its publics; involves the management of problems or issues;
helps management to keep informed on and responsive to public opinion; defines
and emphasizes the responsibility of management to serve the public interest;
helps management keep abreast of and effectively utilize change, serving as an
early warning system to help anticipate trends; and uses research and sound and
ethical communication as its principal tools.
Public relations efforts must ensure
that not only does the organization understand its publics; the publics must
equally understand the organization. It must understand its reasons for
whatever actions it takes.
As a public relations officer or manager
of your firm, for instance, it is your duty to ensure that mutual understanding
is achieved between your firm and its several publics. More often than not, the
publics are passive at performing this role. Therefore, your organization must
take proactive steps towards achieving it.
‘Sustained effort’ means that it is not
enough to start the plan; it must be carried through to a logical end. This is
not usually very easy in the face of a precarious economy, political
instability and other factors.
Investing on Public relations will help
the organization to achieve its objective effectively and smoothly. Public
Relations is not creating good image for a bad team. Since false image cannot
be sustained for a long time. Though the organization product or services are
good it need an effective Public Relations campaign for attracting, motivating
the public to the product or service or towards the purpose of the program. It
is not only encouraging the involvement from the public and also resulting in
better image.
Effective Public Relations can create
and build up the image of an individual or an organization or a nation. At the
time of adverse publicity or when the organization is under crisis an effective
Public Relations can remove the "misunderstanding" and can create
mutual understanding between the organization and the public.
Ø Public
Relations are establishing the relationship among the two groups (organization
and public).
Ø Art
or Science of developing reciprocal understanding and goodwill.
Ø It
analyses the public perception & attitude, identifies the organization
policy with public interest and then executes the programs for communication
with the public.
planned effort or management function.
Ø The
relationship between an organization and its publics
Ø Evaluation
of public attitudes and opinions.
Ø An
organization’s policies, procedures and actions as they relate to said
organization’s publics.
Ø Steps
taken to ensure that said policies, procedures and actions are in the public
interest and socially responsible.
Ø Execution
of an action and or communication program. Development of rapport, goodwill,
understanding and acceptance as the chief end result sought by public relations
Raymond Simon, Public relations: concepts and practices, 2nd
O.Grid, 1980), pp 9, 11.)
The definition of Public Relations as
relations with the general public through publicity, those functions of a
corporation, organization, branch of military service, etc., concerned with
informing the public of its activities, policies, etc., attempting to create
favorable public opinions.
Public Relations are the planned effort
to influence opinion through good character and responsible performance, based
upon mutually satisfactory two-way communications.
Research-listening: This
involves probing the opinions, attitudes and reactions of those concerned with
the acts and policies of an organization, then evaluating the inflow. This task
also requires determining facts regarding the organization: "what's our
involves bringing these attitudes, opinions, ideas and reactions to bear on the
policies and programs of the organization. It will enable the organization to
chart a course in the interests of all concerned: "Here's what we can
Communication-action: This
involves explaining and dramatizing the chosen course to all those who may be
affected and whose support is essential: "Here's what we did and
Evaluation: This
involves evaluating the results of the program and the effectiveness of
techniques used: "How did we do?"
Seven steps of Public relation Process
Ø The
first phase of Public Relations process is identifying and listing out the
information or message to the communicator.
Ø The
second phase of Public Relations is process to ascertain the existing image or
awareness level about the issue in the target group or common public.
Ø The
third phase of Public Relations is developing of communication objectives and
Ø The
fourth phase of Public Relations is deals with developing the message and
choosing the media to transit.
Ø The
fifth phase of Public Relations is the implementation of the message and media,
coordination or the dissemination of message.
Ø The
sixth phase of Public Relations is communication process to check whether
message reached properly and the expected action or behavior or knowledge on
image factors.
The seventh phases of
Public Relations in case the message did not reach properly identified the
reason for the ineffectiveness and rectification of the same and disseminate
the revised message.